I've never ridden for as long, or for so many miles, or in such heat (30 C) before, but it wasn't as bad as I'd feared. Two of us did the route and made full use of swapping turns out in front and drafting behind, to save the legs as much as possible. It obviously worked as, even 3 hours in, we were still able to maintain a steady 22 mph on the flat, although our energy levels were beginning to fade fast. Come the finish, about 3.5 hours after we set off, it's fair to say we were both completely shattered and it was all we could do to muster enough energy to polish off some of the best tasting bitter shandies ever and a bowl of cheese, potatoes and pasta.
It's worth noting that we'd done all this on mild hangovers and little sleep, having foolishly been out for several summer evening drinks the night before. All good mental training for contesting with the Alp!
Here's a summary of the week's exercise:
Week commencing Sunday 20th June
Total exercise: 9h 36m
Top speed: 39.8 mph
Distance covered: 188km
- 164km cycling (all training, including a 100km ride to Oxford)
- 22.5km running
- 1.8km swimming