I got out after 15 lengths and decided to put swimming on hold and stay focused on my running. The following day, the pain had worsened and I wasn't sure I really felt like running. So close to the event you've been focused on for so many months, it doesn't take much for you to start worrying whether this could be the reason you don't get the time you're after, or worse still have to pull out. Of course, I'm never going to pull out, even if I have to walk the whole thing, I'll finish it. But you know what I mean.
While swimming is obviously not helpful to sinus problems, running when they're acutely inflamed is also a very bad idea. I have never had such a bad headache as returing from a 10 mile run where with every step I may as well have been tapping my head with a hammer. Seriously painful, all I could do when I got back was lie down, curl up and concentrate on not feeling sick.
You'll be happy to hear it's not all doom and gloom, I've pretty much cleared up the problem. The remedy? A mixture of the following: Steam inhalation with sea salt or Olbas Oil (strong menthol scent), inhaling Olbas Oil regularly throughout the day and a homeopathic remedy called Combination Q (New Era). Sudafed and Sinex didn't touch it and I'd decided I wasn't ready to go on another course of antibiotics and to try and tackle it naturally. Luckily it seems to have worked.
So, what about my training?
Well, I managed the 10 second most painful miles of my life on Sunday ("the hammerhead run", which made me think whatever I feel like at mile 17/18, I can definitely get myself to the finish!), 20 mins on a cross-trainer (low impact = no headache), 15 mins quick run on Wednesday and a pint of Guinness last night. Oops.
I'll knock out a couple of 10k runs at the weekend, a 5k and an 8k mid-week and then a couple of days rest before the marathon on Sunday.
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