Friday, 17 August 2007

7 miles on a school night

The training's definitely back on track this week with a hilly 3.5 mile, a lunchtime 4.5 mile and an evening 7 mile run on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, respectively.

I've quit cycling. For the time being, at least. Ever since the 12 mile run a couple of weeks back, I don't really feel like I've regained my energy. I think a number of contributing factors are at play which have lead to my diet and sleeping patterns being disrupted. Dump 80 miles cycling a week on top of already flagging energy levels and you haven't exactly got the most conducive base for putting in a few miles on foot in between.

So, cycling, chocolate flavoured cereal (said the diet had got a little disrupted!) and ready meals are on hold and the district line, muesli and more pasta are back in. As soon as I feel I can swap the cereal options back the way they were, I will. Did I say cereal? I meant to say transport, of course.

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